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Random Beasties II

Deer Bust Pyramid by Fenn Schroder

Second installment random monsters made by me taking the robust random monster generator from the rpg Maze Rats, roll some up, and stat them for Knave. Monstrosity ensues. Check out the first batch o' beasties here

Fungctopus HD 2, AD12, M 6, smash 1d6
Sentient fungus that usually sport eight-stalks covered in hardened spikes with a variety of muted colors. Above-ground, they look like a cluster of tentacles a few feet a part, but they are all connected to a central body just a foot under the dirt. 
Sporespike Shower - An explosive expulsion of sporespikes shower the area within a medium range, dealing 1d6+1 damage. Creatures hit must succeed a Constitution save, or grow 1d3 fungtopi from the wound 1d6 days later. 

WormWood Butterfly HD 3, AD14, M 8, claws 1d3
Clawed, glowing, swarming butterflies that are both poisonous and highly hallucinogenic.
Decaying Bite - Latches onto hostile predators with their claws, and begins to melt dealing corrosive damage and inducing intense acid-trips that can leave a victim catatonic. 

Deerymid HD 3, AD12, M 10, burn 1d6
Invisible, pyramid shaped alien life-forms that generate copious amounts of heat. They have no form of movement on their own, instead featuring sticky, suction cups on the undersides and will latch onto larger mammals, forming a parasitic relationship in which they drain heat energy from their hosts.
Deer Facade - In direct light, they give off a shimmering visage of heat waves that are said to look almost like an antlered deer looking in the direction of the light. 


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