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Books, Beans, and Candles

An aromatic mix of finely ground tables featuring magically-adjacent items for all flavors of D&D, Knave, or your favorite OSR blend. All of these take up 1 Inventory Slot unless otherwise specified. You can find more fun items here.

Books (one use per day)
1. Book of Cranes. Tear out a sheet and make a Wisdom save. On a success, after 10 minutes you make an animated crane that fits in the palm of your hand and obeys your command. On a 1, the book loses its magic.
2. Everscroll. It can roll out up to 1d6 pages of blank paper.
3. Invisible Ink. Ink that can only be seen with red light.
4. Magic Quill. Name someone and write a message on paper, parchment, or an otherwise dry surface. Only they can read it.
5. Sheet of Immovable Parchment. Becomes magically fixed in place upon reading the words written on it out loud. Can hold up to 100 lbs. Reading it out loud returns it to normal. The parchment loses its magic if damaged in any way.
6. Big Book of Songs. (2 slots) Will play a song or melody transcribed on one of its pages at an audible level you decide: softly or powerfully. Holds 1d6+1 songs.

Plants and Herbs (consumable, effects last for 1d6 minutes)
1. Blue Lotus. Reduce damage taken by 1.
2. Haoma Plant. Living creatures you can see give off a colorful aura that relates to their personality.
3. Powdered phydra bark. Make an additional action on your turn. After the effect ends, roll a 1d6. On a 1, you fall unconscious.
4. Rush Root. Move up to twice your speed.
5. Standing Root. Don't drop unconscious when your HP drops to 0. Fall unconscious if your hp is still 0 when the effect ends.
6. Tead. Disadvantage on Charisma saves. Lasts for 1d6 hours instead of minutes.

1. Candle of Truth. Burns bright white out to 30'. The flame flickers wildly and flashes red if someone within its range tells a lie. 4 hours
2. Ghostlight Lamp. The flame in this lamp doesn't emit any light, only a foul-smelling smoke. Ghosts within 60' emit a hazy glow. Ghosts don't move like living creatures, they dissolve and reform every few seconds which results in jerky stop-motion movement. 4 hours
3. Glow-Gel. A small jar of bioluminescent jelly. Glows in the dark for up to 1 hour after being exposed to sunlight. 1 hour
4. Headlightstone. Shines bright light up to 30'. (Defense +0, 1 slot, 1 quality)
5. Lamp of the Zephyr. Emits a tiny flame that dances wildly. Out to 60', small breezes or otherwise steadily flowing or moving air are traced by flowing colors. 4 hours
6. Seance votive. Call forth an ancestor for supernatural guidance. Roll 2d6. 12-9: Answers truthfully and to the best of their ability. 8-6: Responds with two truths and a lie. 5-2: Answers with one truth, one lie, and badgers you about lifestyle choices. 1 hour

Shout out to the OSR Discord community for their contributions on some of the names and descriptions here (Rush Root, Standing Root, Ghostlight Lamp).


  1. Seance votive is wonderful and fabulous

    1. Haha thanks. I have a *need* to see this in someone's game.


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