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Project: Grunt (V2)

Making Your Orc
You start at Level 0
Stats - Roll 3d6 for each. Bonus equals lowest die. Ability Defense equals Bonus+10
StrongBrute strength. Used for Attacking. Add to Attack roll with melee weapons.  
SharpSkills and cunning. Used for Sneaking and Skills. Add to Attack roll with ranged weapons.
EgoThe right attitude. Used for Talking and Dark Magic.
You have 5 HP. 
Your Defense equals 10. (Enemies have to roll 10 or higher to hit you)

Roll 6d6. Assign dice from left to right.
Body Face Tusks
Mountainous Intimidating Like two daggers
Chiseled from Granite Horrifying Juts forward then up
Short and Pudgy Disgusting Oversized
Wider than you are Tall Forgettable Undersized
Skin's falling off Lopsided Tattoo'd
Skin's too tight Cartoonish Capped
Hair Markings Attitude
Bald None Heated
Buzzed Tribe Tattoos Angry
Rows Burns Bloodthirsty
Braids Tribe Scarring Irritable
Mowawk Branded Opportunistic
Top Knot Pockmarked Bitter

Roll 3d6 For Equipment
SwordNoneChoose another Weapon
BattleaxeImprovised20' Chain
MaulLightMan-Sized Net
DaggerHeavyRandom Idol
OrcbowShield or HelmetShovel
Crooked StaffYour ChoiceBear Trap

Advancement - To advance to level 1, you have to get your first kill. Beyond that, you require 1000 xp per level. Warband XP is shared and tracked by razing buildings or settlements, and stolen wealth. 50 XP for low-risk accomplishments like villages, 100 XP for moderate-risk accomplishments like settlements, and 200 XP for high-risk accomplishments like castles and wizard towers.

Note - Record what you did the first time you roll a natural 20 on an attack roll. This is your surname.

Level 1 and beyond. The Grunt earned his name. 
Choose or Roll For Your Name
Whenever you level up, your HP goes up by 3, and you make 3 choices from this list (you can choose the same thing more than once):

  • Your HP increases by 2
  • Your Defense increases by 1
  • Add +1 to an Ability Bonus of your choice (Ability Defense raises as well)
  • Roll on a War Path Table of your choice (can only choose this once)
  • You gain a Tool or Idol of your choice

War Paths
War Paths are how Orcs specialize in reigning destruction on the masses of the human kingdoms. Whenever you level up, you can choose to roll on one of these tables, The Brute, The Sneak, and The Dark.

The Brute Table (d8)
  1. You gain Advantage on Strong rolls to lift, bend, or otherwise break objects.
  2. On your turn, you can take an Action to force a Morale Save
  3. Your damage dice explode (re-roll 6's and add the new roll to the total)
  4. Add +1 damage to your damage roll for every Weapon you're holding
  5. Whenever an enemy attacks you, they take damage equal to your level
  6. Whenever you are reduced to 0 HP, you drop to 1 instead on a successful Strong Save
  7. Knock an enemy a Short distance when you successfully land an attack. 
  8. Re-roll 1's on damage dice. 
The Sneak Table (d8)
  1. Placeholder
The Dark Table (d8)
  1. Placeholder
Unless caught by surprise, players will act first, followed by the enemies. On each of their turns, a character may move up to their speed (40 ft) and take on action. The most common actions are Attacking, casting a spell, moving again, or any other reasonable action per the GM. 

Orcs wielding melee weapons can strike adjacent foes, unless otherwise stated. Make an Attack Roll (d20+Strong Bonus) vs. a Target's Armor Defense. Rolling equal to or greater is a success. Roll your weapon's damage dice. 

Fighting a Group

When fighting a number of similar enemies of sufficiently lower caliber (such as farmers or peasants, or enemies whose HD is equal to less than half of yours), you can group up to 10 of them together as a single target within Close range. Roll against their average Armor Defense plus their HD. For each point of damage you deal, you kill one member of the group. 

Orcs wielding ranged weapons can strike foes within their weapon's range. Make a Ranged Attack Roll (d20+Sharp Bonus) vs. a Target's Armor Defense. Rolling equal to or greater is a success. Roll your weapon damage dice. If one or more targets are Close to your target, you must beat the Target's Armor Defense by 3 or more in order to hit it. If you beat it by less, you hit a random Nearby target. 

Each piece of Armor that an Orc wears reduces damage taken. An orc can only have 1 Armor set, 1 Shield, and 1 Helmet at any given time. Any time damage is reduced to 0, or the Orc suffers a Critical Hit, the Orc rolls a 1d6. On a 1, a piece of Armor loses 1 quality. That piece of Armor breaks and is useless if reduced to 0 quality.
Armor Damage
Improvised 1 1
Light 2 3
Heavy (Movement is Halved) 3 5
Shield (One Hand) 1 1
Helmet (Disadvantage on Sharp) 11

If an Orc attempts to do something where they might fail, they make a Save. Roll a d20. If the total is under your appropriate Ability Defense, as dictated by the GM, the Orc succeeds.

Weapons are more important to the identity of the Orc than their own names. Each weapon has a different property, and allows the Orc to perform different actions during combat. An Orc can hold a number of weapons equal to their Strong Bonus.

Axe - 2d6. Whenever an orc kills an enemy, they can re-roll one damage die and apply that to a Nearby enemy.
Crooked Staff -  1d3. Counts as an Idol with an effect of your choice.

Only the craftiest of Orcs carry Tools, as most find them as pointless, because they just take time away from killing. An Orc can hold a number of tools equal to their Sharp Bonus.

Dragon's Dirt - Incendiary powder that explodes when ignited.

Only the most depraved and wicked of Orcs can use Idols, as they are implements of dark gods and profane rituals. When using an Idol, Roll a number of d6's up to your Ego Bonus, and use any of the results. 1-3 is a failure and nothing happens, 4-6 is a success and the effect takes place. Rolling doubles gets weird, triples and so on gets weirder. An Orc can hold a number of Idols equal to their Ego Bonus.

'Dillo Jerky - Target's skin grows hard as steel.
Shrunken Goblin Head - A wave of noxious gas blasts outward.


This is the newest iteration of my mini-RPG about being a mean, green, human-killing machine. Goals for next update are to make a PDF version with a shortlist of weapons, tools and idols, as well as a sample "Towngeon" to run your Orcs through. 


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