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Dryad's Sanctuary Release Party

Being trapped in a magical forest that wants to eat or enslave you until you love it has never been so fun!

I am pleased to announce that I'm finally releasing this little adventure out into the wild on Drivethrurpg and I'm not DONE-done with it, and will still probably make edits and updates and additions in the future, but it's finally at a point where I want to share it with everyone else. 

The adventure started out as something I was calling a decadungeon: a twelve-sided 3d map, so that the actual forest itself was a non-euclidean space that connected various locations together in a non-linear fashion. You can get the rough drafts of the maps here. Over the course of writing, and after a few playtests, I realized as novel as it looked and sounded, it didn't really help make the adventure more fun to play, and in the end that's really all that matters to me. I'll definitely use that for a future adventure though, so don't fret.

A Decadungeon 

The Dryad's Sanctuary was also originally created with the game Knave in mind (here are some of my thoughts on it, as well as my own homebrews I've written here and here). That being said, I also designed it with a built in ambiguity so that it can be adapted to your preferred ruleset or plugged into any homebrew campaign. Pretty much any Dungeons & Dragons or OSR derivative handles it with ease. 

I wanted to create something that could be run multiple times, with the same group with quite varying results thanks to the random nature of effects that can happen at any given time during exploration.  And instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, I wanted to give my own fresh take on a lot of classic tropes surrounding magic forests, elves, dryads, and other fantastical woodland beings. There's also a number of interactions and motivations from some of the more colorful NPCs that promote revisiting or re-exploring some locations for a second or third time, whether you mean to or not. A straightforward A to B to C dungeoncrawl this is not. 

Try it out, let me know what you think, and stay tuned for more!

You pay what you want for it here on


  1. LOVE that map! I linked folks over here last week. Keep up the great work!


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