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Showing posts from July, 2019

The Mighty - A Whitehack Class

The Mighty Level XP HD AV* ST Slots Groups Raises 1 0 1+2 11 5 1 2 - 2 2,000 2 11 6 1 2 1 3 4,000 3 12 7 1 2 1 4 8,000 4 13 8 2 3 2 5 16,000 5 13 9 2 3 2 6 32,000 6 14 10 2 3 3 7 64,000 7 15 11 3 4 3 8 128,000 8 15 12 3 4 4 9 256,000 9 16 13 3 4 4 10   512,000 10 17 14 4 5 5  Might characters rely on their melee combat skills and heroic strength. They can for example be warriors, guards, brigands, knights, bounty hunters, or barbarians. Whenever their attack puts an enemy at zero or negative hit points, they may use the momentum of that action to attack another, adjacent enemy. This requires a separate roll.     Mighty characters may use the same combat options as everyone else, but they also have slots for unique and powerful combat techniques or fighting styles called...